
Wednesday 3 December 2014

Review: Urban Revolution Live - Tony Supreme, Ojerime, PBGR, Oscar #WorldPeace and Miraa May

Urban Revolution is an online medium for entertainment they recently held an event called Urban Revolution Live which was held at Alley Cat Bar and Club. 
The night consisted of some of the UK's biggest emerging talent including PBGR, Miraa May, Tony Supreme, Oscar #WorldPeace, Ojerime, Malick IV and Hydrd. 

Unfortunately I didn't get to see all of the acts performances but I did catch majority of the show. I really did enjoy all of the acts they all had something different to offer the audience which shows a promising rise in the UK's urban music scene.

Tony Supreme is a spoken word artist, he touched upon subjects to do with life, lust, love and everything in between. 

The subtleness of in his words is what was able to captivate the audience, he didn't need to go in to full detail. He was able to use the correct wording to paint a picture of what he was saying.  After the performance Tony Supreme gave us a bit of background in to his journey into spoken word. I liked the fact that Urban Revolution gave each artist the chance to give a profile about themselves. I think this helps in understanding the inspiration behind the vision the artist has. To my surprise when Tony Supreme was talking about his vision and background, he spoke about the fact that he also does motivational speaker. I had a listen to his SoundCloud and subscribed because he speaks so well on life's journeys Tony Supreme's SoundCloud

Following on from Tony Supreme was Ojerime I throughly enjoyed her performance. Judging on appearance I didn’t think she would have such a powerful voice, due to her being quite small. Her voice is amazing, she holds her notes so well and knows how to control her sound. She performed a few covers and music she had written which I loved. A friend of mine said that she reminded them of the late Princess of RnB Aaliyah. She appears small and a little shy although she has such a beautiful and powerful voice. 

When PBGR graced the stage I was excited, they offer the crowd a different vibe when their on stage. They brought on Mo, Mike Bagz and Miraa May to perform some of the songs taken of their album The Black Market. During their performance I often heard people speak highly of their album and performance. I think my favourite part of their performance was when they performed SMW with Mike Bagz.

Oscar #WorldPeace is definitely an artist that offers you a performance different from the norm. He arrived on stage in an orange prison jumpsuit with what looked like bandages wrapped around him. I was in complete shock, he was the only performer to wear a costume firstly and secondly his lyrical content was quite angered. However I actually enjoyed it his performance, because it was so different he kept my interest. 

Last but not least Miss Miraa May stole the show, I loved her performance not because she has an amazing voice but she has character. Whilst performing she gave an introduction to each song and we were able to see her personality. She spoke about her guitar, musical direction and life. It was nice to see personality and charisma in a performance. We also got to meet her alter ego Mizla May, who raps and will clash anybody.

Overall this was a great night at Urban Revolution Live, not only did they have great talent they had networking opportunities. Whether your an artist or just a fan of music Urban Revolution Live will be a night you'll enjoy!

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