
Wednesday 14 May 2014

BloTV Talks: Represent FM(107.3FM) x National Health Week

Hey Guys,

We heard some great news that Reprezent FM have teamed up with Newham Clinical Commissioning Group(NCCG) to create awareness to young people about Mental Health Week.

Reprezent FM have acquired help from Bashy and Rudimental some of the UK’s finest musical talent, who will join them on their 5:30pm show to discuss health issues.

Shockingly 1/4 young people suffer from a form of mental health, this is something we were unaware of. Mental health issues can stem from numerous things which we may over look for example exam pressure/stress and bullying. The lack of awareness and knowledge around the subject has resulted in many of us overlooking the condition that could be harming our friends or family.

Due to my lack of knowledge I for one have been tuning into Reprezent FM all this week to hear about the different issues and what we can do to help. 
Each day this week they have been tackling different issues, on Monday they looked at the topic of Anorexia and Bulimia and Tuesday it was Teenage Anxiety
The week is still not over and they still have a lot to cover, tune in at 5:30pm each day and lets educate ourselves.
Wednesday 14th:  Bullying
Thursday 15th:  Drugs and Alcohol
Friday 16th:  Depression, young people and the music industry
To get involved with the discussion and voice your opinion use the hashtag #IsItJustMe lets create more awareness and be open about Mental Health and the pain it can cause.

                                                     Xx BloTV 

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