
Sunday 1 June 2014

Review: Schoolboy Q Concert

Hey Guys,

We were invited to the Schoolboy Q concert last Thursday and we had an amazing time. As Schoolboy Q is still a relatively new artist, I was anxious to see how his stage presence and performance would be.
Schoolboy Q Performing 
Many new artist lack their star spark in the early stages of their career and can often give a boring performance. However we can happily say that this was not the case when it came to the man of the year

He had the whole crowd jumping, dancing and "turning up" as he put it. He performed some of his most popular songs and my personal favourite "Break The Bank". When Break The Bank came on everybody went wild including Q, he jumped up and we jumped to.

Since the concert I've been searching on YouTube and the internet to find some of his earlier music, I would love to hear the development in his sound. 2014 has been a good year for the rapper, bringing out numerous hits and developing a great name for himself. 

Schoolboy Q will be back in London performing at Wireless Festival, if you get the chance to go and see him I would recommend.

xx BloTV

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